Friday, 26 November 2010

Day 2

Day 2

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am writing this the morning after so as to be able to reflect on what happened yesterday.
It was a beautiful day despite the forecast for rain which I was very thankful for!
I have to admit to feeling anxious. It was something that seemed to develop as the day wore on and was not something I had planned for. My thoughts about this trip had always been that whatever I needed I would get, yet I found myself concerned with what I would shoot and how much film to commit to what. It was a familiar feeling from a few years ago when worrying would be very much a part of any trip but I was surprised to carry this along me with yesterday.
I have been told that while in Sedona, the intensified energy will address many parts of your being, one being a release of anything unwanted. I guess I had not thought that this would be the case in this way but if it meant I let that go then I am happy.
Waking this morning, I feel differently today. Much calmer and matter of fact.
I woke at 6am yesterday morning to shoot from the balcony while the sun came up which was very therapeutic. It was nice to sit and acknowledge the magnificence of the view and take it in quietly. The sun was on its way up and was only hinting at the details of the surfaces of the mountains and it all seemed - for lack of better word - very quiet.

While I was packing my equipment up, I noticed a moving light on the ceiling by the door. It caught my attention as I could not work out where it was reflecting from. I decided to take a photo of the door anyway as this light was beautiful and was very surprised at my photo. I took it on a digital camera as that was nearest me at the time and while I had the light I had intended on getting, there was a strong oval of white light that was so strong it was burnt out. I could not see this with my own eyes so I got excited that I had managed to get perhaps some of this invisible life force that lives here. I took it again on my iPhone just to prove to myself it wasn't the camera and it was the same.
So to give thanks on Thanksgiving, I am thankful for being able to be exposed to something as beautiful as that.

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